
Why Is Online Documentation Still Lacking?

Introduction As a web developer, I rely heavily on documentation when implementing new solutions. When those solutions are very technical…

2 years ago

How I Use Chrome Developer Tools for My Web Development

Introduction When Chrome came out with their developer tools, web development became so much faster and easier. At that time,…

2 years ago

Flexbox CSS: Do We Still Need Display Inline Block and Floats?

Introduction I started using flexbox, or just flex in CSS more and more and started to love it everytime that…

3 years ago

Are Google Fonts Really Necessary For Simple Blog?

Introduction Having nice fancy fonts can definitely make your website look better. However, you need to be careful when using…

3 years ago

Colorcinch: My Impression On Their Photo Editor and Avatar Maker

Introduction I have the opportunity to share with you something new that was presented to me. I wrote about PhotoPea…

3 years ago

What I Learned From My First Website:

Introduction I want to share the very first website that I built, This is a website that I built…

3 years ago

Infinite Scrolling Content: My Thoughts and Opinions

Introduction I am sure that you have seen infinite scrolling on some of the most popular websites on the Internet.…

3 years ago

Using Tabs and Accordions: Some Things To Consider

Introduction Being able to fit as much content in a confined space is very hard. When you have to highlight…

3 years ago

Cutting Edge vs. Tried and True Technology: Which is Better?

Introduction As a web developer, I have to keep up with technology all of the time. There are new things…

3 years ago

Designing Pop-Ups for Better User Experience

Introduction From the name of the title of this article, you can already sense some bias in my opinion on…

3 years ago