Are Google Fonts Really Necessary For a Simple Blog?

Introduction Having nice fancy fonts can definitely make your website look better. However, you need to be careful when using Google Fonts because they can add a lot of weight to your pages if not implemented properly. I will talk about proper Google Font implementation and if you even need them for a simple font. … Read more

Best WordPress Plugins for a Simple Blog

Introduction I have written some WordPress posts and the different things that you can use to create a fast speed blog with it. A few critical components include using a fast speed WordPress theme like GeneratePress, a CDN like CloudFlare and some good WordPress plugins. I have not written about WordPress plugins yet so it … Read more

Designing Pop-Ups for a Better User Experience

Introduction From the name of the title of this article, you can already sense some bias in my opinion on this topic. I always liked thinking about pop-ups because they can be great when done right. These are very hard to implement on a website because they can be very grating and jarring to unsuspecting … Read more

Does All Traffic Have to Come from SEO and Google?

Introduction We all know that the success of a website is based on the traffic that it gets. Even if you have the best website with the best content, your website is “nothing” without traffic. Technically, we all define how a successful website is. If you are creating something for fun and do not care … Read more